Event pieces IV
Arrow piece I
Shoot an arrow and wait til it hits a target(the target can be anything)
Arrow piece II
Draw an up arrow on a sign and hang it on the wall.
A piece for Andy Kaufman (who is not really dead)
Appear on stage behind the curtain.Curtain is opened.Curatin is closed.Again and again,while
you are standing and doing nothing.After a while,next time that the curtain is opened-make sure you disappear.
Room piece I
Make room for a meteorite to land on the ground.
Room piece II
Make room for the snow to penetrate your house.
Room piece III
Make room for the wind to blow safley.
Car piece
Count the number of cars you see in the street during the day.Forget the number and start all over again.
Stairs piece
Count the number of stairs you climb in a ceratin building.Write it down on a note and hang it inside the building.
Singing world piece
Listen to the sound of the world singing.
Dream piece I
A.Dream that you go to sleep
B.Dream that you wake up
C.Dream that you are dead
D.Dream that you are dreaming a dream.
E.Dream that no one can ever dream again.
Dream piece II
Let your dream be carried away by the wind.
Desert piece for Moses
A.Glance at the sun upon a desert
B.Glance at the moon upon a desert.
Wall piece I
Break through the ceiling.
Wall piece II
Construct a wall in your mind.Go to sleep.When you wake up,construct it in reality.
Volume mix I
Turn on a radio.Put it on full volume.Open an encyclopedia book and read a certain value.
Volume mix II
Turn on the television.Put it on full volume.Go to sleep.
Dream dead event for Sean Lennon
Dream about your death each time before you die.
Loop piece
Do thousand things in a loop til you get tired.
Rocket piece
Send a rocket to the sky and wait until it comes back.
Food piece
Gradually reduce the amount of food you eat until you need no food in order to exist.
Drink piece
Speal a drink on the floor.Imagine no gravity.
Zen meditation event
Go ahead of this.
Sleep piece I
Sleep.Wake up nearby a river.
Sleep piece II
Go around the world until you get tired.Search for a comfortable water bed and sleep.
Suffering piece I
Let your suffering be dropped to the bottom of the sea.Wait until a shark eats it up.
Suffering piece II
Laugh if you are suffering, til you feel better.Let earth rest from suffering.
Smoke piece I
Smoke til the floor becomes the ceiling.
Smoke piece II
Smoke a cigarette and watch the smoke til it is transformed into the shape of a smile.
Yellow submarine event
Imagine we all live in a yellow submarine.
Follow a yellow submarine:
A.In your mind
B.In your dream
C.In reality
Draw a yellow submarine:
A.In your mind
B.In your dream
C.In reality
Sink a yellow submarine:
A.In your mind
B.In your dream
C.In reality
Imagine a land of yellow submarines.Travel to that land:
A.By land
B.By air
C. By sea
Tell of this experiment to your friends and ask them to perform this event as well.
Lost piece I
Get lost inside your closet.
Lost piece II
Grow an imaginery creature. Take care for his needs.Wait until he gets lost,then forget about it.
Whispering world piece
Listen to the sound of the world whispering.
Rainbow piece
Find a rainbow.Try to reach it.
Wind piece I
Convince the wind to return to where it came from.
Wind piece II
Let the wind blow at your kitchen.
People pieceI
magine people dripping from the sky.Catch as many of them as you wish.
Collar piece
Leave a collar with your name in the street.
Hat piece
Take your hat off.Walk in the street.Put it on top of someone.Imagine no cloths to wear.
Shoot an arrow and wait til it hits a target(the target can be anything)
Arrow piece II
Draw an up arrow on a sign and hang it on the wall.
A piece for Andy Kaufman (who is not really dead)
Appear on stage behind the curtain.Curtain is opened.Curatin is closed.Again and again,while
you are standing and doing nothing.After a while,next time that the curtain is opened-make sure you disappear.
Room piece I
Make room for a meteorite to land on the ground.
Room piece II
Make room for the snow to penetrate your house.
Room piece III
Make room for the wind to blow safley.
Car piece
Count the number of cars you see in the street during the day.Forget the number and start all over again.
Stairs piece
Count the number of stairs you climb in a ceratin building.Write it down on a note and hang it inside the building.
Singing world piece
Listen to the sound of the world singing.
Dream piece I
A.Dream that you go to sleep
B.Dream that you wake up
C.Dream that you are dead
D.Dream that you are dreaming a dream.
E.Dream that no one can ever dream again.
Dream piece II
Let your dream be carried away by the wind.
Desert piece for Moses
A.Glance at the sun upon a desert
B.Glance at the moon upon a desert.
Wall piece I
Break through the ceiling.
Wall piece II
Construct a wall in your mind.Go to sleep.When you wake up,construct it in reality.
Volume mix I
Turn on a radio.Put it on full volume.Open an encyclopedia book and read a certain value.
Volume mix II
Turn on the television.Put it on full volume.Go to sleep.
Dream dead event for Sean Lennon
Dream about your death each time before you die.
Loop piece
Do thousand things in a loop til you get tired.
Rocket piece
Send a rocket to the sky and wait until it comes back.
Food piece
Gradually reduce the amount of food you eat until you need no food in order to exist.
Drink piece
Speal a drink on the floor.Imagine no gravity.
Zen meditation event
Go ahead of this.
Sleep piece I
Sleep.Wake up nearby a river.
Sleep piece II
Go around the world until you get tired.Search for a comfortable water bed and sleep.
Suffering piece I
Let your suffering be dropped to the bottom of the sea.Wait until a shark eats it up.
Suffering piece II
Laugh if you are suffering, til you feel better.Let earth rest from suffering.
Smoke piece I
Smoke til the floor becomes the ceiling.
Smoke piece II
Smoke a cigarette and watch the smoke til it is transformed into the shape of a smile.
Yellow submarine event
Imagine we all live in a yellow submarine.
Follow a yellow submarine:
A.In your mind
B.In your dream
C.In reality
Draw a yellow submarine:
A.In your mind
B.In your dream
C.In reality
Sink a yellow submarine:
A.In your mind
B.In your dream
C.In reality
Imagine a land of yellow submarines.Travel to that land:
A.By land
B.By air
C. By sea
Tell of this experiment to your friends and ask them to perform this event as well.
Lost piece I
Get lost inside your closet.
Lost piece II
Grow an imaginery creature. Take care for his needs.Wait until he gets lost,then forget about it.
Whispering world piece
Listen to the sound of the world whispering.
Rainbow piece
Find a rainbow.Try to reach it.
Wind piece I
Convince the wind to return to where it came from.
Wind piece II
Let the wind blow at your kitchen.
People pieceI
magine people dripping from the sky.Catch as many of them as you wish.
Collar piece
Leave a collar with your name in the street.
Hat piece
Take your hat off.Walk in the street.Put it on top of someone.Imagine no cloths to wear.